Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Mobile Cooler

Some of you know that my vacation to Destin was kind of crazy this year.

I thought I’d add another crazy thing that happened. Our first day on the beach a group decided to put down their things in front of our beach setup. One woman was especially loud. She was the type of person who tells you everything about her entire life in 15 minutes. Because we were right there we heard all about her good for nothing older daughter, the ex husband troubles, her money troubles, etc. You name it and we overheard it. Even the people she was with left her to swim, take a walk, etc. We did too but when we came back she was always there. If she was not talking on the phone then she was talking to people in her condo on a walkie-talkie. So we heard her call the condo and tell her five year old to bring down the Mobile Cooler. I was curious to see what kind of cooler it was. I was imagining some fancy new type of cooler. After awhile the little girl comes down with a Wall-Mart bag filled with ice and beer. So this mom lets her little one leave the condo by herself to come down to the beach with the beer. A man that Mrs. Loudmouth was with questioned the wisdom of having a five year old do this, but hey, the loud mouth mom was fine with it. I had to keep from laughing since I thought a fancy cooler was going to appear and instead it was just a plastic bag filled with ice and of course the beer.

The Mobile Cooler

It takes all kinds, don%26#39;t it.

The Mobile Cooler

We all assume people will look after and take care of their kids, but that%26#39;s not the case.

How many beers could a 5 year old carry anyway?

How sad is that. this kiddo could have been taken in a split second. People just do not think...

That just wears me out!! Do people not watch tv? But, when reading you post, it made me think of a funny cooler story too. We met this family that had teenagers. We got to talking to a family while at the pool. They offered us a beer. So i accepted. The guy points to their cooler %26amp; i had to laugh. It was a cooler w/ speakers built in the side %26amp; it was blaring ';pour some sugar on me';!!!! hahaha that made my day.2boys

  • girl myspace
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